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We are thrilled to highlight the 2024 recipients of the Jannette Alexander Foundation Scholarships. The Jannette Alexander Foundation for Clinical Social Work Education is a subsidiary non-profit education foundation of the California Society for Clinical Social Work. Each year, the Foundation awards $1000 scholarships to graduating MSW students who demonstrate excellence in clinical studies and practice. Congratulations to these inspiring 2024 students who have already made wonderful contributions to the field of social work! We are so excited to follow your continued success and contributions.

Jannette Alexander Scholarship Recipients - 2024

 Melanie Baeza

Melanie Baeza is in her second year of CSU San Marcos MSW Program. She is completing her clinical fieldwork hours at San Ysidro Behavioral Health where she contributes to the Reproductive Behavioral Health Team that focuses on the care of pregnant and postpartum women. Her goal is to become an LCSW and provide clinical therapy to populations impacted by reproductive trauma, including pre and post partum depression, infertility, pregnancy loss, sexual trauma, and abortion. Melanie's passion for reproductive behavioral health flourished throughout her experience and training as a birth doula where she attended over eight client births. Melanie shows compassion for all folks she serves and follows a strength based, culturally humble approach Her educational and professional background is in psychology and counseling services for students in higher education where she currently serves as an adjunct faculty member.

Shannon Lamoureux

Shannon is in her final year of the MSW program at San Diego State University. Over the past 10 years, Shannon has worked in diverse roles within social services that aim to support and advocate for vulnerable populations in both New Jersey and California. After working with adults with severe mental illness and those experiencing homelessness, Shannon recognized that pursuing an advanced degree would allow her the opportunity to make a greater impact in her community. Shannon continues to learn and grow in her professional development as she experiences different roles through her internship; she is currently placed at UCSD's Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and the Center for Brain Health and Memory Disorders, where she is focusing on the medical needs of older adults and helping to alleviate stress that caregivers experience. She hopes to continue working with vulnerable older adult populations after she graduates in May, 2024, and she is eager to provide much needed services to her San Diego neighbors.

Kimberly McDaniel

I am not your typical MSW student. I am a semi-retired college administrator and single mother. I took a risk to pursue my passion to earn a degree in social work.

Social work is a career change for me after more than 15 years serving in various roles including Dean of Counseling, Associate Vice President of Equity, and Vice President of Student Services. These roles exposed me to public systems and how they work, public policy and its impact on services and resource allocation, and the critical role of non-government agencies in addressing systemic barriers that perpetuate the conditions leading to privilege and maintenance of the status quo. As a college administrator, I always felt most fulfilled when I met with students individually or in groups and provided counseling, referrals to resources, and other support. As a social worker, I want to create empowering spaces where underserved individuals and communities can receive services and engage in the social issues that plague underserved populations.

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