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Frequently Asked Questions About Membership

What are the benefits of being a member of the California Society for Clinical Social Work (CSCSW)?

  • Free Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – CSCSW districts across California hold regular educational events on a variety of clinical topics given by experts in their area. Members may attend meetings in any CSCSW district for free.
  • Networking – CSCSW provides members with a professional community to connect with their peers. Meetings provide a forum for members to engage with one another and to learn about other resources. It can be a way to find new job opportunities, get referrals, form consultation or study groups, and find professional support.
  • Workshops – Members can join workshops at a discounted rate. Topics include those required by the BBS, such as Law and Ethics and Sucide Prevention.
  • Supervisor List – Members can find a clinical supervisor as a license eligible clinician OR indicate that they are available to provide supervision.
  • Listserv – Members can join an online forum to connect with members statewide for information and resources.
  • Therapist Finder - Members can be listed in an online therapist directory visible to the public for marketing practice information such as population treated, specialty areas, and accepted insurance. This online tool can be updated as needed, allowing therapists to keep information current.
  • Ethical Consultations -  Members can access an over-the-phone consultation from a trained ethics consultant free of charge.
  • Marketplace – Members can access free advertising and service announcements on the CSCSW website.
  • Mentorship Program – Provides an opportunity for members entering or changing direction in the field to be matched with an experienced practitioner who can provide guidance regarding education, career and professional development and networking. Every effort is made to match mentors and mentees with similar interests. (Mentorship is clearly distinguished from supervision.)
  • The Clinical Update Newsletter – Members receive access to this quarterly CSCSW publication in which members can contribute articles and advertise. Articles may be on clinical topics or updates from the BBS such as changes in the licensing process or supervision requirements.
  • BBS Liaison – Members have access to the CSCSW BBS Liaison who is in direct contact with the BBS and can follow up on questions and concerns that they may have.

Can I join CSCSW if I am not a social worker?

Yes, absolutely! We welcome those from similar professional backgrounds, i.e. MFT, PCC, Psychologist, etc., through offering an Affiliate Membership.

How can I verify my CSCSW membership online?

If you have been a member with CSCSW in the past you can login to your account using your username and password. Once logged in, you can access membership information by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the webpage. Once clicked, your membership information will be displayed including membership status and membership level.

How can I renew my CSCSW membership online?

If your membership is due and an invoice has already been created, then once you log in to your account you will see the amount due for the invoice at the bottom right corner of the screen. You can then click the link to access the invoice and pay online. If your membership is lapsed and an invoice has not been created for membership renewal, once you log in you will see a message at the bottom right corner of the screen indicating that your membership has lapsed. Click on the message and you can renew your membership following the prompts on the screen.

What membership level do I belong to?

  • Affiliate: Any licensed professional in a related field.
  • Associate: Any unlicensed social worker who holds a Masters Degree in Social Work (MSW), or other related field.
  • Emeritus: Any Licensed Clinical Social Worker retired from active practice.
  • Fellow: Any Social Worker who holds a California State Clinical License.
  • Student and Pre-Masters Affiliate: BSW or MSW student, or student in a related field, enrolled in an accredited school.

What are the dues by membership level?

  • Affiliate: $95 --> $105
  • Associate: $75 --> $83
  • Emeritus: $50 --> $55.00
  • Fellow: $175 --> $193
  • First Year Graduate: $30 --> $33.00
  • Student and Pre-Masters Affiliate: $30 (*NO increase the amount for this level of membership.)

When is my CSCSW membership renewal due?

The CSCSW membership year runs from July 1 - June 30.

When will I receive my dues bill?

Invoices are sent to current members in mid-June for a July 1 renewal.

How can I pay for membership renewal?

You can pay for your membership renewal fee by credit card or check. Existing members will receive a membership renewal invoice by email in June with a link that can be clicked to be directed to the payment processor. Alternatively, members may pay by sending a check to CSCSW, P.O. Box 880712, San Diego, CA 92168-0712.

When does the membership year begin?

The membership year runs from July 1-June 30.  New membership dues are prorated if you join at another time of the year.

What if I become a member in the middle of the year?

If you become a new member after the start of the membership year, your membership dues will automatically be prorated based on the date you join.

I recently became a new member. Why did I receive a dues bill?

When you became a member your membership was prorated. You are now being invoiced for the upcoming membership year. The membership year runs from July 1-June 30.

Where can I get a receipt for my membership?

All financial transactions are processed through the Website and the payment processor is Affinipay. You can access all your financial transactions by logging into your profile, and then clicking your name in the upper right corner of the webpage. From there, you will be logged on to your membership details page and you will be able to access your Invoices and payments. All financial transactions will be listed under this link.

What happens if I do not submit my payment by July 1st?

Your profile will remain active for two weeks as pending renewal, after two weeks we will send you a reminder email to complete the renewal process. Your membership will not change to a lapsed status until after July 31st.

When my membership renewal is due, will you automatically charge my account?

CSCSW does not keep records of your payment method so no automatic renewals are enabled at this time.

Can I pay my membership dues early?

If you wish to prepay your membership dues, please contact the CSCSW Administrator by emailing:

How do I resolve an issue with my dues bill or payment?

Any questions about your payments and invoices can be sent to the CSCSW Administrator by emailing:

Upcoming events

CSCSW | PO Box 880712 | San Diego, CA 92168-0712 | (310) 254-9471 |

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