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California Society for Clinical Social Work

Professional Development | Advocacy | Connection

CSCSW Statement COVID-19

We would like to acknowledge the ongoing emergency response to the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. While we understand that there is an overwhelming amount of information coming in from various sources, we also want to assure our members and affiliates of our ongoing support during this challenging time.

Of course it is extremely important for you to take care of your own health.  That means staying home from work if you are sick and to seek consultation from your doctor if you live with someone who is sick. As clinicians we want to both model good self-care to our clients, but also recognize the interconnection of mental and physical health.

It is likely that your clients will have questions and concerns regarding the global response but also more specific questions regarding their treatment. We encourage you to follow up with your local resources for your local recommendations as well as to mobilize your resources in the event that you need to work from home or provide alternate arrangements for your client’s sessions. Other psychosocial concerns that may arise are affordability and accessibility of health care, tangible resources and supplies, loss of employment or reduction in hours, shortage of food through food banks and shutting down of schools to name a few.

The Clinical Social Work Association Response to COVID-19 contains excellent clinical and practical information as you are planning for any potential impact from this disease.

Lastly, this unprecedented outbreak is lending to significant fear throughout our country. While it is important to remain diligent and prepared, we also encourage our members and affiliates to remain informed and seek any support you need during this time. As clinical social workers we have the knowledge and training to support our communities in situations such as this one, but please be sure that while doing this you continue to take care of yourself. 

Be well!

California Society for Clinical Social Work
Professional Development | Advocacy | Connection

“Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit,
it allows you to serve others from the overflow.
You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”
 — Eleanor Brown

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Mar 12, 2020

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CSCSW | P.O. Box 60937, Palo Alto, CA 94306 | 310-254-9471 |

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