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"Real Talk," a Clinical Consultation/Support Group For Members Who Identify as BIPOC (JANUARY 2025)

  • Tuesday, January 21, 2025
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Registration is closed

Guest Facilitator: Ingrid Chung Nishimoto

"Real Talk", a clinical consultation/support group developed with the oversight of the CSCSW's Diversity, Equity and Transformation (DET) Committee, the purpose of which is to provide a space for clinical social workers who identify as being Black, Indigenous, Mixed Race, or Person of Color (BIPOC) to meet on a monthly basis. The focus of this group is to provide an opportunity for networking, building solidarity, exploring intersectionality and decolonizing our practice. 

This group is a closed group for individuals who self-identify as Black, Indigenous or Person of Color (BIPOC). The group's objective is to provide a brave space for those in the field to process the ongoing violence against and politicizing of minority groups' lives.

This email reminder is sent out widely to all contacts and is not filtered by how individuals self-identify; therefore, if you have received this email but do not identify as BIPOC, we ask that you respect the intention of this group by not logging in to the meeting. However, we invite you to participate in our monthly CSCSW Diversity, Equity and Transformation (DET) Committee meetings as an ally. As a member of CSCSW, you are invited to attend a variety of open groups such as the Telehealth Consultation/Support Group, Support Group for Social Work Students and ASWs, and Ethics Consultation Group.

This group is FREE; however, donations to CSCSW or the JAF Scholarship Fund are welcome.

Please note that this group does NOT provide supervision to its members and no CEU’s are offered.

"Real Talk" will be held via Zoom on a monthly basis. Those who register for the group will be sent a link to participate.


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Non-Members - FREE

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