CE credit hours: 6 (MFTs and LCSWs)
Six hours of law and ethics is a continuous requirement for every California license renewal.
Registered Associate Clinical Social Workers – with prior approval from your supervisor, you can now use CEU’s toward LCSW hours.
“What goes around….” is a 6-hour law/ethics workshop focused on recent and emerging developments in law and ethics that will impact clinicians of all disciplines, including changes to child abuse reporting obligations, changes for custody evaluators, record-keeping and maintenance, emerging issues and risks regarding telehealth practice, updates on duties to inform and warn when violent behavior may occur, modifications of laws concerning “retirement” of professionals, receiving subpoenas, testifying in court, risk management for supervisors, suicide risk management, and “selected slippery slopes.”

Presenter: Steven Frankel
Steve Frankel is an ABPP Certified Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and an Attorney at Law, who practices both professions in San Francisco’s East Bay. He is a past Director of Clinical Training and current Clinical Professor of Psychology at USC. Specializing in childhood trauma, he was a consultant to Del Amo Hospital’s Trauma Program and is a past President of the International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation. As an attorney, he consults with mental health professionals regarding a variety of legal issues and represents them in licensing board actions. He developed the Practice Legacy Program, LLC, to assist professionals transitioning out of practice due to retirement, death or disability and has spearheaded an effort to protect professionals suffering from degenerative neuro-cognitive disorders. He develops and teaches courses in law/ethics and trauma treatment and is published in books and professional journals. He received the California Psychological Association’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession in 2015.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify at least three areas of practice for which legal/ethical changes have developed in the past 5-10 years.
2. State the most effective strategy for maintaining clinical records of patient/client care.
3. Identify two significant problems for clinicians who wish to provide telehealth services.
4. State two major cautions for clinicians who receive subpoenas for patient/client records.
5. State the differences between three classes of witnesses in courts.
6. Identify two “slippery slopes” of concern to clinician risk management.
- CSCSW Member (Early Registration) – $100.00/$125.00 after December 15, 2016
- Non-member (Early Registration) – $150.00/$175.00 after December 15, 2016
To renew your membership or update your profile, log in at http://clinicalsocialworksociety.org/Sys/Profile with your email and password or contact us at info@clinicalsocialworksociety.org
California Society for Clinical Social Work
P.O. Box 60937
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Please direct all questions to Donna Dietz, CSCSW Administrator - 650-460-9210 | info@clinicalsocialworksociety.org